1. i use frills because i am a girl
  2. i have been told that i cannot do certain things because i am a girl
  3. good girls dont do that
  4. good girls do this
  5. good girls dont touch that
  6. good girls dont go there
  7. good girls dont wear that
  8. it has been a descriptor and a constraint
  9. a definition and a way of being
  10. now i am past that
  11. i know who i am and what i am
  12. i am a girl and i live in whatever way that i do each day
  13. it does not matter my gender
  14. but it is an aspect of my life
  15. i am afraid to be alone outside in dark places at night
  16. i am aware that these fears exist because i am a girl
  17. i am aware of my body in public spaces
  18. it is an inherent part of my existence
  19. i do not suppose that aspects of femininity and womanhood and female-ness are inherent to all women or people or beings or whatever
  20. but i am fully aware of my gender
  21. and my sexuality
  22. and my biology
  23. and i am aware of the gendered ideas and aspects surrounding those attributes that exist in our culture in our media in our western society
  24. i am aware of the ideas that exist around my body
  25. and the warring factions of religious zealots that want to deny me access to healthcare because it does not align with their personal beliefs
  26. i am aware of these aspects and it affects my daily experience